The Stirrings

Electronic rock band with pop structures and a sound reminiscent of shoegaze, with an emphasis on noise, drones and psychodelic soundscapes. The band was formed in early 2018 in Madrid -Spain- and is composed of producer Raúl Galán Berlanga -synths- (berlangãlan), Juan Pérez Marina -guitar- (Corcobado, Sangre Fácil, L'Exotighost) and
New York musician, Ryan Louis Bradley -bass and voice-



Vinyl also available in shops:

The Stirrings - live

Past concerts
Fotomatón: 01/02/2025 (Madrid)
El Perro de la parte de atrás del coche: 11/10/2024 (Madrid)
Sala Juglar: 21/04/2023 (Madrid)
Wurlitzer Ballroom: 19/11/2022 (Madrid)
Sala Maravillas: 30/04/2022 (Madrid)
Sala Maravillas: 08/05/2021 (Madrid)
Moby Dick: 27/03/2021 (Madrid)
La Faena II: 14/02/2020 (Madrid)
Trashcan: 17/05/2019 (Madrid)
La Faena II: 01/03/2019 (Madrid)

“Este primer álbum de The Stirrings muestra a una banda en equilibrio entre su faceta más pop y su interés por experimentar. Bajo esa premisa nos ofrecen unas canciones que mantienen cierta estructura pop pero jugando con los ecos, los coros, la electrónica y la distorsión para crear ambientes estimulantes que arropan perfectamente a las melodías principales. Entre pasajes más ruidosos y otros más atmosféricos, las canciones se van desarrollando con efectos a ratos sorprendentes y siempre excitantes. Por momentos parece que estemos escuchando a los U2 más experimentales de los 80, a The Doors derramando psicodelia sobre una base de noise pop o a The Cult haciendo shoegaze.”

"Everything about "X-Ray Eyes" seems meticulously measured and thought out. The bass and guitar riffs are frighteningly effective. The voices are magnificent. They are highlighted by beautiful, simple and easy to hum melodies. Some passages as in “Start a Riot” are magnified by choruses and counter choruses with female voices that enlighten this track with a vibe similar to that of Spiritualized’s songs. The reverberation of the mix is at times delightfully stratospheric. Instead, “I want you” sounds like the impossible mix between Spacemen 3 and Lee Hazlewood, something that could resume the direction of the album, with sounds coming from late 60’s and 70’s classic rock (they even cover The Doors’ “Five To ONe”) but also the noise and experimentation from English bands of the late 80’s and 90’s."

"What the band doesn’t lack in is originality as the shoegaze-y dissonant ambiance points to a sound not tied down by expectations or preceding perspectives. This type of music seems to come from a deep and dark place from within the members, who are unafraid to show their dark side, as these tracks go on to serve as a conduit, connecting creators to audiences. Listeners will come away not only inspired, but feeling like they experienced something surreal, perhaps even other-worldly. Having been described as “a cool mix between Depeche Mode and The Doors” the band keeps listeners on their toes, blending the unexpected with the familiar. Moving into the realms of psychedelia, dark ambiance, atmospheric and shoegaze, these ten tracks sees the group experimenting with tons of reverb and distorted effects to make a buzzy concoction"

"‘X-Ray Eyes’ es el disco debut de The Stirrings, y si bien es cierto, que el espíritu de los Hermanos Reid flota por encima de las canciones, ¿Qué buena banda de rock que se precie no presume de alguna, esta u otra influencia?, también es cierto que la serpiente de larga y sinuosa cola que aparece en la portada de su nuevo álbum nos indica que vamos más allá del espíritu noiserock de los mares de Escocia, para arrastrarnos y pasearnos entre influencias polvorientas de desiertos australianos o almerienses. Una banda con su propio flow atemporal, que tanto te trasladan a los 60-70 u 80’s con temas como ‘Bad Disease’, o metamorfosean a Lana Del Rey y la convierten en Pj Harvey en el tema ‘Gods & Monsters’ o reclaman un tema de uno de los Padres del Desierto del Rock como es Jim Morrison y su mortal ‘Five To One’."

"The Stirrings hail from Spain. They play soundtrack music. I mean that in a good way. The music is atmospheric, and complements certain environments well such as those solitary nights in dark clubs full of self-involvement. Verby and dreamy, The Stirrings do well when they are at their moodiest. This record features croony vocals over what sound like drum machine beats with various levels and styles of guitar. The bass parts are subdued while the mix of noise and reverb on the guitars emphasize the sad, sexy despair in the vocals. Great music for a summertime night drive in a convertible. Slow burny sizzle. A bit of Depeche Mode, a bit of Eno. I hear some Beastmilk in there too. From the 80’s drum machine-ish beat and the punky powerful punchy bass and low sullen vocal this group screams of Joy Division, Bauhaus, Love & Rockets and Jesus & Mary Chain. Lost souls everywhere should check this out”

"Su receta es un rock oscuro de bases electrónicas y voces susurrantes, con un sonido muy cuidado que puede recordar de los Depeche Mode más desérticos a los The Cult más oscuros, pasando por los Wovenhand más folkies o los proyectos de Piero Quintana. Entre las atmósferas hipnóticas y opresivas cercanas al shoegaze, o al (por qué no llamarlo así) trip rock"



ELEVATION (Take You Higher)


The Stirrings 2023
The Stirrings 2018